This second installment in the PARC series is a collection of MP3 audio files available for download. These files are digital copies of direct from the the uneditted audio cassettes obtained from Raymond Cass during the making of the Ghost Orchid. These tapes contain Ray’s original commentary and explanations surrounding his extraodinary voice samples.
This first installment is from a tape which was produced by Ray after the release of the Ghost Orchid. Using extracts from Ray’s original tapes, the recordings which have been compiled are in response to the feedback received from the earlier release. The tapes have been broken into 6-7 min chunks to spread the download size. There are currently three tapes due to be added to this page. So please return.
Section 01. Side A. approx 7mins long. 6.5 MG
Section 02. Side A. approx 7mins long. 4.9 MG
Section 03. Side A. approx 7mins long. 5.5 MG